Randy what broke on your truck i was coming in to drag n brag as you was leaving on the wrecker.
Hey Broom go to TMS web site and you will see it looks like his rear end gave up big time. It sounds like it got the drive shaft the trans and other things under the truck.
Got a link to that web site? Thanks.
Oh I haven't been on here in awhile.
Well the warranty repair by Texas Drivetrain Performance failed (again) pinion had worked loose again and when I let off at the top of the track the dirveshaft when it became uloaded... which then proceeded to break the transmission housing in half and beat the crap of of everything else under there.
Kind of exciting tried the brakes when it let go and rears got real loose, so I road that banked corner to slow it down. And the reason I let off is they had it set up at dang near a 1/4 and I was getting concerned about going into that corner beside that vette at a 100 mph.
Made one more trip out there, the last week of it, but first pass fell sort of squirrelly so I called it a night. Think that was what I found later to be bent caltracs mounts that then loosened up the spring to axle u-bolts.
lol just one thing after another.