Winners from Abilene were:
Winner - Brent Lancaster 3X31Y
Runner-up- Kelly Brown 068H
Semi - Kris Pope 4848Y
Super Pro
Winner - Michael Stone M35
Runner-up - Mark Klinger 548M
Semi - Dan Dittmer 4606M
Semi - Traci Harvey 2012G
Pro Muscle
Winner - Brian Thomas 445GT
Runner-up - Jim Dupree 420GT
Semi - Chris Mallich 42RR
Semi - Henry Lozano 574GM
Winner - Cody Leslie 594HS
Runner-up - Chris Kelly 88HS
Semi - Tyler Mancuso 578H
Winner - Kris Pope 4848Y
Runner-up - Sambo Trya T426H
Semi - Gary P Mitchell 4X16W
Winner - Robert Schoemer 462G
Runner-up - Rodney Nevils 639DC
Semi - Craig Holmes 489LX
Winner - Randy Hall 572RT
Runner-up - Jack Warbus 477M
Semi - Terry Carter 6BCMH
Semi - James Blackwell 552L
Sambo Tyra T426H and Ricky Pope P462Y who are good friends and were running other classes also,
decided to just split up the cash and cool the cars. (We'll probably never see this happen again!)
Semi - Dan Dittmer 4606M